Construction zones create an environment of additional risk for both the construction crews and drivers of all types. The zones are full of hazards and require additional attention while traversing through in order to ensure safety. Within construction zones, there have been an increased percentage of motor vehicle fatalities. Approximately 25% of construction zone related fatalities involved a truck accident, which is more than double the average of all other highway fatalities involving a truck accident. So, it is specifically important for semi-truck drivers to be cautious when passing through work zones.
The Warning Signs
Predominately, construction zones have multiple signs and additional indicators advising both of the work zone and appropriate action to take. There are generally multiple restrictions that accompany work zones, such as specified speed limits and lane restrictions that provide law enforcement the opportunity to take steeper preventative measures. Additionally, there may be restrictions specifically in place for semi-trucks. These restrictions are indicated in advance and may go as far as a mandatory detour in order to prevent an incident. Failure to adhere to the posted restrictions can lead to an increased risk of being involved in a truck accident or stricter police action to prevent such a situation.
High Risk Seasons
High Risk Seasons
Late spring through summer is typically the most dangerous season for construction zone related accidents for several reasons. Primarily, there is an increase in the number of drivers on the road due to school being out of session. This increase is both due to family vacationing and younger, less experienced drivers not being in class. Any influx in the number of drivers on the road will create an increased probability for passenger vehicle and truck accidents. Add in the additional risk factors of a work zone and it becomes clear why there is an increase in the number of work zone related accidents as well.
Beyond the increased number of drivers present on the road, there are generally more road work projects occurring during these months as well. Initially, this creates a greater availability for accidents to occur in work zones; however, the increase in work zones creates additional contributing risk factors as well. With the increase in the number of work zones, there is a greater chance for traffic jams. Delayed travel is generally a contributing factor to road rage and other erratic driving behaviors intended to make up for lost time. Such driving behaviors greatly increase the risk of vehicle and truck accidents.
Beyond the increased number of drivers present on the road, there are generally more road work projects occurring during these months as well. Initially, this creates a greater availability for accidents to occur in work zones; however, the increase in work zones creates additional contributing risk factors as well. With the increase in the number of work zones, there is a greater chance for traffic jams. Delayed travel is generally a contributing factor to road rage and other erratic driving behaviors intended to make up for lost time. Such driving behaviors greatly increase the risk of vehicle and truck accidents.
Reducing Accident Risk
In order to reduce the risk of vehicle and truck accidents in work zones, and injuries to road crews, there have been multiple proposed safety regulations. Speed restrictions are one of the most prevalent safety standards, as a slower speed will provide a greater amount of response time and reduce the overall damage if an accident were to occur. Drivers traveling too quickly before and through work zones has been recorded as one of the main contributing factors to construction zone accidents. Semi-truck specific speed restrictions may also be set in place in order to decrease the risk of a truck accident since the larger vehicles need additional time to stop or make driving adjustments. Inclement weather further complicates driving through work zones and requires drivers to adjust further in order to prevent the risk of an incident. Observing the posted speed restrictions only reduces risk as long as a safe following distance is additionally adhered to. As a motivating factor to deter vehicle and truck accidents, there are increased fines attached to violating work zone driving restrictions.
The Increased Risk of Cell Phone Usage
The Increased Risk of Cell Phone Usage
As a general rule, cellular devices should not be used while driving as they take the attention of the driver off the road and can quickly become a contributing factor to vehicle and truck accidents. However, in a work zone, both the risk of being involved in an accident and the physical consequences of an accident are increased by cell phone use. It has been estimated that sending a text takes five seconds on average. While traveling at 55 mph those five seconds translate to traveling the distance of a football field. Covering that kind of distance while not paying attention can contribute to a vehicle or truck accident in any road condition, but in a work zone, the chances of an incident are only increased. Any activity that would take a driver's mental or physical attention away from driving creates and increased risk of being involved in a vehicle or truck accident, and should always be avoided.
Proceed with Caution
Proceed with Caution
Construction zone accidents put the lives of both drivers and road workers at risk and carry a greater probability of resulting in an injury. It is always recommended to practice safe driving habits when on the road to prevent vehicle and truck accidents. However, when one is traveling through a construction zone additional precaution is highly recommended. At the end of the day, everyone wants to make it home safely and by staying alert and attentive to restrictions and road conditions we can reduce our risk of being involved in an accident.
Butler, Vines and Babb is a leading law firm in Knoxville, TN, with extensive litigation experience in Medical Malpractice Law, Birth Injury Law, Trucking Accident Law, Personal Injury Law, and Business Law. Contact us today at or call 866-701-9631.
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Construction Zones and the Increased Risk of Truck Accidents
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